yukio mishima meaning in English
- The second video seminar was held at the yukio mishima cultural center in buenos aires
第二场讲座在布宜诺斯艾利斯的尤奇欧米希玛文化中心yukio mishima cultural center举行。 - Argentina initiates hold a video seminar featuring master s teachings at the yukio mishima culture center in buenos aires
举办讲座传扬福音阿根廷同修在布宜诺斯艾利斯的尤基欧米西玛文化中心举 - Back in buenos aires , a second seminar was conducted at the yukio mishima cultural center , where monthly seminars are currently being held
回到布宜诺斯艾利斯后,第二场讲座在尤基欧密西马文化中心举办,现在每月的讲座都在那里举行。 - Mr . osvaldo moro , director of the yukio mishima cultural center and a would - be - initiate practicing the convenient method , conducted a thirty - minute interview with initiates on his radio program . mr . moro contributed enriching comments , emphasizing the many benefits of spiritual practice